Pat and Ron's Travel Adventures

Pat and Ron's Travel Adventures


We invite you to share our travel adventures as we seek out new experiences, sights, foods, and cultures. We regret not being able to write each of you individually and so we try to stay in touch this way. We love hearing back from you.
Happy Trails!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

California mountains, sea, & redwooods


We’ve been asked what happened to our blog and can only say that we have been having too much fun hiking, camping, spending time in nature, and being disconnected to spend any time on it. Since leaving Arizona, we have been in the California National Parks and forests and have been having a ball. We have been to Channel Islands NP accessible only by boat or air; Sequoia NP with the largest trees (mass) in the world; King’s Canyon NP with its spectacular scenery; unsurpassed Yosemite NP that John Muir loved; Tahoe NF around magnificent Lake Tahoe; Lassen NP with its volcanic rock; and Redwoods NP with its rainforests and the tallest trees in the world. So this blog entry is mostly photographs which certainly do not do justice to Mother Nature. We hope you are well and happy and enjoying your summer.

Happy Trails! Pat & Ron